
Our mission is to be an integral part of rooting, building up, and maturing students in Jesus so that they may forcefully pursue His will for their lives.

God created humanity in his image to reflect his glory.  This reality is most beautifully displayed in a life of God-centered worship.  Our world is full of distraction, yet Jesus tells us that fullness of life can be found when our affections are captured by the beauty, majesty, and glory of God.

The human soul cannot help but worship. Our aim at Second Mile is to display the diversity and wholeness that is found when the distractions of the world fade and God’s glory is anchored deep within our being.  When this takes place, God’s people celebrate through every creative expression possible.

  • Our interactions with others calls attention to God’s love.
  • Our gifts, strengths, and personalities highlight God’s goodness.
  • Our resources are used to proclaim God’s worth.
  • Our cooperation reflects God’s beauty.

Music as Worship

The Bible often tells of people using songs to worship God. Second Mile sings together in our gatherings as a part of the long history of God’s followers celebrating what Jesus has done and the character of God with their voices.

Art as Worship

Bezalel, son of Uri. Oholiab, son of Ahisamach. Not exactly huge names in the world of Hebrew or Old Testament studies, but these two are worth noticing. They were artists. Moses points them out in Exodus 35 as “master craftsmen and designers.” Their work? The temple of God. These men took the precious metals and stones, wood, thread, and linen given by God’s people and, along with others who were skilled and willing, set about the business of making a place of worship that honored God with aesthetics.


When we pray, we are conversing with God. Prayer is deep and intimate worship of the Father. Each January Second Mile begins the year with a Week of Prayer & Fasting. It helps to focus in on what God is asking of us in the coming year, and to prepare our hearts for pursuing his will throughout the year.